Sei giorni di controlli retinici per sensibilizzare le istituzioni alla prevenzione e alla diagnosi precoce, riservati a deputati e ai dipendenti di Montecitorio
Controlli retinici con rilevazione strumentale del fondo oculare sono stati effettuati presso la Camera dei Deputati dal 5 al 7 e dal 19 al 21 dicembre 2018. L’iniziativa di sensibilizzazione e prevenzione – questa volta riservata ai deputati e al personale di Palazzo Montecitorio – consiste in particolare in uno screening delle retinopatie, ad esempio della degenerazione maculare legata all’età e della retinopatia diabetica.
Il progetto è stato promosso dall’On. Paolo Russo, dall’Agenzia Internazionale per la prevenzione della Cecità-IAPB Italia onlus, dalla Società Oftalmologica Italiana (SOI) e dall’Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti-UICI Onlus.
E’ stata un’attività di sensibilizzazione istituzionale volta a individuare eventuali retinopatie, intese quali “malattie sociali da prevenire”: si mira a migliorare la gestione del diabete, favorendo la diagnosi precoce e le cure tempestive delle sue complicanze.
Fondo oculare di persona affetta da retinopatia diabeticaIn uno scenario disomogeneo – con forti differenze a seconda delle zone d’Italia – è, quindi, essenziale un impegno per la tutela della vista che possa contribuire a evitare inutili e pesanti sofferenze nonché l’aggravio della spesa pubblica socio-sanitaria. Insomma, fare più prevenzione significa investire di più in salute spendendo meno. Occorrono, quindi, una serie d’interventi urgenti e coraggiose scelte di politica sanitaria, in linea con le indicazioni e i suggerimenti della comunità scientifica internazionale.
Gli esami del fondo oculare, questa volta ad accesso ristretto, si sono svolte presso l’ambulatorio medico interno di Palazzo Montecitorio dalle 10 alle 18.
Segreteria organizzativa: Altis
Fondo oculare di persona affetta da retinopatia diabetica
Strumentazione utilizzata per i controlli del fondo oculare (foto d’archivio)
Can something be done to prevent myopia or at least slow down its progression? The answer is: yes. In fact, excluding genetic factors, we can work on improving lifestyles: “There is strong evidence that greater time spent outdoors is associated with a lower incidence of myopia”.
It is also necessary to promote “exercise, fitness, reduced screen time, and weight control”. In short, more open air and less pixels… Such a lifestyle should be followed from childhood, as exposure to natural light helps prevent the excessive lengthening of the eyeball.
The authors of the article – all Americans [[medical researchers working in California (Eye Monitoring Center), in Boston (Harvard Medical School and Department of Ophthalmology) and in Maryland (National Eye Institute)]] – write that the risks of major complications incurred by people with high myopia, range from retinal detachment to glaucoma, and include cataracts, choroidal neovascularization, optic neuritis, staphyloma and myopic macular degeneration.
The main protagonists are teachers, students of primary schools and their families. Registration is already open: the deadline is 30th April 2019
The prevention campaign “Open Your Eyes!” (“Apri gli Occhi!” in Italian) is now available in schools in a digital format, in order to “enlighten” pupils, teachers and parents about eye care and the importance of sight.
In the 2018-2019 school year, the campaign is based on an innovative formula once again: everything takes place on a multimedia platform geared mainly towards teachers, as in the previous school year. The objective is to help protect eye health through teaching.
Families and students of primary schools and those in the last year of nursery schools can request that teachers adopt the project. The new deadline for the “Trivia” prize competition is 30th April 2019. [[Participants can register immediately and classes can play until 30th April 2019. Each registered class will have the opportunity to play 3 times (10 questions each time). At the end of the competition, the system will automatically take into consideration only the best performances (highest number of correct answers, in the shortest time); in this way, children will feel encouraged to do their best. The online challenge must always be mediated by the teacher]]
The inter-school competition will take place among the classes that have participated in the game-based training (10 questions each time out of a total of a hundred, in order to effectively simulate the final online challenge), a new version of which was released on 8th November 2018. In the final phase, classes will have to answer ten randomly selected multiple choice questions among those that had been proposed during the training.
The initiative, which has been conceived by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness-IAPB Italy, is managed by CivicaMente: it is aimed primarily at children aged 5 to 11 years old, so as to teach them about prevention of vision disorders in an enjoyable way. Thanks to the “Apri gli Occhi!” campaign, you can download the educational multimedia and read additional in-depth informative materials, which are useful for school lessons.
The teaching tools, which are free of charge, that are available to teachers and their classes are, in particular, the following:
In conclusion, the prevention of visual impairment can be “switched on” through educational and fun activities. You can ask any teacher to take part in the “Apri gli Occhi!” campaign.
A conference on sight prevention and vision rehabilitation for ophthalmologists and orthoptists was held in Rome between 23-24 November 2018
“The Eye of the Mind” is the title of the Conference on vision rehabilitation that was held on 23rd November, 2018, at the George Eastman Dental Hospital in Viale Regina Elena 287, Rome. The meeting continued on the following day at the Ophthalmology Clinic of the Umberto I Polyclinic Hospital.
The first day was dedicated, in particular, to neuro-ophthalmological issues in children and adults (including brain plasticity), while presentations on the second day focused more on technical-rehabilitative aspects, and on the protocols (rehabilitation procedures) and the assessment of vision disabilities. (Read all…)
In two Italian towns, San Benedetto del Tronto and San Severino, free check-ups were available for everyone
The “Caravan of Health” – consisting of several Mobile Ophthalmology Units – has concluded its Marche appointments, providing free eye examinations on board the hi-tech campervans of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness-IAPB Italy. The examinations took place in San Benedetto del Tronto on 8th July and in San Severino on 9th July 2018.
Thanks to the various associations and doctors that participated in the initiative – a collaboration between IAPB Italy, Susan G. Komen Italy, the A. Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital Foundation, the Red Cross and Amplifon – it was possible to receive not only an eye examination, but also a mammography, a clinical breast examination and an ultrasound scan. Auditory checks were also available in San Benedetto. In total, over 600 free examinations were carried out at the two events.
The campaign was presented on 2nd July at the City Hall of St. Benedetto del Tronto and was promoted by the Federazione Nazionale Pensionati (FNP-CISL), one of Italy’s retired workers’ unions.
In addition to local authorities, Michele Corcio (Vice-president of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness-IAPB Italy) and Mario Canale (General Secretary of FNP Marche) also participated in the event.[[Coordinated by Maria Trentin, National Women’s Coordination of FNP-CISL and concluded by Loreno Coli, Assistant General Secretary of the National FNP-CISL]]
Mr. Corcio said on that occasion:
Our individual behavior also determines the onset or progress of certain pathologies. Therefore public institutions must invest in more and better prevention campaigns, because in doing so, significant savings on public spending can be achieved. […] Citizens are advised to obtain scientifically correct information. [[For example, by contacting the toll free number 800-068506 (an ophthalmologist will answer) active from Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.]] […] We must pay attention to diabetic retinopathy, as it is linked to our diet, our lifestyle.
Giulio Grazioli, Regional Secretary of FNP-CISL Marche, observed at the conclusion of the presentation that:
The high turnout of people for this initiative shows the importance of health and prevention. A theme that has always been a priority for us, and one to which we will continue to stay committed through the implementation of local policies, with the aim of raising awareness in people of all ages, especially in pensioners, in order to convince them of the need to take care of themselves.
The screenings carried out during the “Caravan of Health” did not only represent a message to promote the culture of prevention: from some examinations, symptoms have emerged, such as the identification of nodules, which require further close study and are concrete evidence of the importance of taking care of and monitoring our own health.
L’esposizione a lungo termine al particolato e una predisposizione genetica potrebbero essere associati a un aumento della pressione oculare negli anziani
L’analisi ha incluso 419 anziani – per un totale di 911 visite complessive incluse quelle successive alla prima – che sono stati sottoposti periodicamente a misurazione della pressione oculare (tonometria).
I ricercatori di diverse università americane hanno effettuato analisi associate alla tossicità del carbone: può esistere una predisposizione genetica ad alterazioni provocate da fattori ambientali nocivi. Nei modelli elaborati l’associazione tra esposizione ai residui della combustione del carbone e la pressione oculare è risultata più elevata negli individui con un elevato stress ossidativo.
In conclusione, scrivono gli autori:
L’esposizione ad ambienti ricchi di [prodotti di scarto della combustione del] carbone potrebbe essere un fattore di rischio per l’aumento della pressione intraoculare in persone predisposte ad altri fattori biologici ossidativi stressanti. Se ulteriori studi confermassero questi risultati, monitorare l’esposizione al carbone e lo stress fisiologico ossidativo potrebbe prevenire lo sviluppo e la progressione di malattie correlate a una pressione intraoculare [elevata].
Appuntamento dedicato principalmente all’ipovisione e alla riabilitazione visiva, organizzato dal Chiossone in collaborazione col Polo Nazionale (il 23 novembre presso l’ospedale G. Eastman e il 24 novembre nell’Aula Magna della Clinica Oculistica, Università Sapienza-Policlinico Umberto I)
On 29th November, 2018 two symposia of the National Centre and IAPB Italy were held at the 98th Congress of the Italian Society of Ophthalmology
Il Presidente della IAPB Italia onlus Giuseppe Castronovo (a destra) e il Vicepresidente Michele CorcioFrom neuroplasticity to neurostimulation, including vision rehabilitation at home and the progress of patients who have received a retinal prosthesis implant (the so-called “bionic eye” or, more accurately, the artificial retina).
These were the main topics that were addressed during the Symposium of the National Centre – which was held in Rome on 29th November – as part of the 98th Congress of the Italian Society of Ophthalmology. [[From 28th November to 1st December, 2018. The 150th anniversary of SOI will be celebrated in 2019.]]
Il 29 novembre 2018 due simposi del Polo Nazionale e della IAPB Italia onlus al 98° Congresso della Società Oftalmologica Italiana
Il Presidente della IAPB Italia onlus Giuseppe Castronovo (a destra) e il Vicepresidente Michele CorcioDalla plasticità cerebrale alla neurostimolazione, passando per la riabilitazione visiva domiciliare e quella di coloro a cui è stata impiantata una protesi retinica (il cosiddetto “occhio bionico” o, più propriamente, la retina artificiale).
Sono questi gli argomenti principali che sono stati affrontati durante il Simposio del Polo Nazionale – che si è tenuto a Roma il 29 novembre 2018 – nell’ambito del 98° Congresso della Società Oftalmologica Italiana [[dal 28 novembre al primo dicembre 2018. Nel 2019 ricorre il centocinquantenario della SOI]].