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“Proteggi la sua vista” [Protect their sight], an informative campaign to promote children’s eye health

An online live event to promote the prevention of pre- and post-natal eye conditions, organised by IAPB Italy

On Thursday 10 december 2020, IAPB Italy launched its informative campaign for the prevention of eye conditions in children. This initiative was aimed at raising awareness among new parents of the most suitable behaviours to ensure the correct development of a child’s visual system.

The informative campaign was mainly aimed at debunking popular myths about the correlation between pregnancy and eye health. It also provided useful information for protecting children’s eye health, before and after birth.

As part of the #proteggilasuavista initiative, informative materials were distributed in 450 maternity hospitals throughout Italy. A dedicated video was also broadcast on TV, and was streamed both on social media and the www.proteggialasuavista.it website.

The campaign was conceived by IAPB Italy, in collaboration with the National Technical Committee for the Prevention of Blindness of the Ministry of Health. Besides being partnered by the Italian Ministry of Health, the campaign was also backed by the Italian Society of Ophthalmology (SOI), the Italian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SIGO), the Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine (SIMP), the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN), the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) and the Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini della Professione Ostetrica (FNOPO) [National Federation of Midwives].

To watch the whole “Proteggi la sua vista” event, which was broadcast live online on 10 December 2020, click on the following link: Press Release.

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